Dynamic Hash Embeddings for Transformers

Dec 26, 23

Model compression methods for Transformers have been gaining traction for a while. The open-source community is pushing consumer hardware to it’s limits, and you can now just about run LLMs on your laptop. The question remains as to what extent we can push large models to run on increasingly smaller edge devices; have you ever wanted to ask your garmin to to write a rap about post-modernism in the style of Snoop Dogg? Probably not, but it might be possible soon.

I came across this paper from Apple MLR recently, which details a model compression technique I hadn’t come across - dynamically computed embeddings.

Why consider using Dynamic Embeddings?

The main observation of the authors, citing previous work, is as follows:

  • All transformer based language models contain an embedding layer, which maps tokenized inputs to a D dimensional vector embedding representation of the original sequence.
  • Ordinary embedding layers in transformers act as lookup tables the respective embedding vector for a particular token. Given a token T, we select the row/col at index T of the matrix which gives us the embedding layer for the particular token. This means that the embedding layer is of size N * D, where N is the count of all tokens in the model vocabulary.
  • For some models, this embedding layer accounts for a large amount of the model size — the authors cite that the embedding layer for BERT-base accounts for 88% of the overall model size.
  • Thus, it follows that if we could replace the embedding layer with a function that can compute the embedding at runtime, we can decrease the size of the a given model.

A bit of napkin math - for Mistral 7B the default embedding size is 4096 and the default vocabulary size is 32000. If we load the model in f16, the embedding layer is of size:

  • 4098 (embedding size) * 32000 (vocab size) * 2 (2 bytes per parameter) / (1024 * 1024) = ~0.3GB / ~12GB model size.

This isn’t actually a large proportion of the overall model size (about 2.5% of all weights) and thus we probably wouldn’t have an incentive to remove the embedding layer on Mistral. However, when we consider smaller models, such as GPT2, we see a much larger potential relative size saving:

  • 768 (embedding size) * 50000 (vocab size) * 2 (2 bytes per param) / (1024 * 1024) = ~73Mb / 245Mb model size.

About 30% of all weights! In this case, it might make sense to dynamically compute the embeddings.

Properties of Dynamic Embeddings

A dynamic embedding function must satisfy a few properties:

  • The embedding function must be deterministic.
  • The embedding function must transform a string of arbitrary length to a vector of length D in embedding space.
  • It follows that for more similar inputs, the embedding function should generate outputs that are closer in embedding space than less similiar inputs (this isn’t specified in the paper, but I think it’s a fair assumption to make).

In order to satisfy the property of determinism, the embedding function is based on a hashing algorithm — in this case, a polynomial rolling hash.


I thought I’d have a go at implementing this function using JAX. First we need to encode our string to a sequence of numerical values, of which I’ve just used the unicode number for each character of the string.

from functools import partial
import jax
from jax import Array
import jax.numpy as jnp

def encode_text(text: str) -> Array:
  """Return string as unicode representation of chars."""
  return jnp.array([ord(i) for i in text])

Next we need write a function to compute the polynomial rolling hash of the encoded string. The algorithm is defined by the following equation:

\[\text{Hash(String)} = s[0] \times p^{n-1} + s[1] \times p^{n-2} + \ldots + s[n-2] \times p + s[n-1]\]
  • s[i] is ascii value of the i-th char of the string.
  • p is a chosen prime number used as the base of the polynomial.
  • n is the number of chars in the string.

And if we scan over the inputs to accumulate state, we’ve got our function to compute our polynomial rolling hash:

def rolling_hash(encoded: Array, p: int = 31, m: int = 10**9+7) -> Array:
    """Given a piece of text, compute it's rolling hash.
    encoded: Array
    p: int
    m: int
    hash values: Array

  def body_fn(result, elem):
    value, power = result
    value = (value + (elem - 96) * power) % m
    power = (power * p) % m
    return (value, power), elem

  # Compute rolling hash
  ((hash_value, _), _) = jax.lax.scan(body_fn, (encoded[0], encoded.shape[0]), encoded[1:])

  return hash_value

Next, we need to implement the full dynamic embedding function from the paper. This requires a computing sliding windows over i-grams of size 1..i. This was a bit of a pain in JAX, but we can do it with a little bit of .vmap trickery.

@partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(1,))
def sliding_window(a: Array, size: int) -> Array:
  """Get all sliding windows of size over a."""
  starts = jnp.arange(len(a) - size + 1)
  return jax.vmap(lambda start: jax.lax.dynamic_slice(a, (start,), (size,)))(starts)

Right, now to implement the author’s full embedding algorithm. The steps are as such:

  1. Pre-compute your hash seeds.
  2. Get all i-grams of size 1..i from the input characters.
  3. For each set of i-grams of size i, compute it’s rolling hash.
  4. Compute the projection matrix using the outer product of the rolling hashes + hash seeds.
  5. Normalize the projection matrix.
  6. Average over all i-grams of size i.
  7. Add to respective partition size.
def hash_embedding(encoded: Array, seed: int = 42, b: int = 10**9+7, n: int = 3, d: int = 768) -> Array:
    """Compute hash embedding of a given piece of text.
        encoded: Array -  encoded text we're embedding
        seed: int - random seed - MUST be held constant across embeddings.
        b: int - scalar bucket size.
        n: int - maximum size of an i-gram.
        d: int - the dimension of the embedding.
        embedding: jnp.array[d,]

    # Initialize h and partitions
    partitions = jnp.sum(jnp.arange(1, n+1))
    h = jax.random.split(jax.random.PRNGKey(seed), d)[:, 0].reshape((d / partitions).astype(int), partitions) # reduce to 1d

    # Initialize loop variables
    embedding = jnp.zeros((d,))
    partition_idx = jnp.arange(0, d+1, int(d / partitions))
    run = 0

    # TODO: It'd be nice to move this to use jax.lax.scan
    for i in range(1, n+1):

        # Compute rolling hash
        igrams = sliding_window(encoded, i)
        s = rolling_hash(igrams.T)

        # Compute projection matrix
        p = jnp.outer(s, h[:, run:run+i]) # select the partition which is equal to run: run + i

        # Normalize
        p = p % b
        p = p - jnp.greater(p, b / 2) * b
        p = p / (b / 2)

        # Average
        igram_embedding = jnp.mean(p, axis = 0)

        # Concat to final embedding
        embedding = embedding.at[partition_idx[run]: partition_idx[run + i]].set(igram_embedding)
        run += i

    return embedding

It’d be nice to revisit this to make the main body of the function compatible with jax.lax.scan, at some point - but I couldn’t get it to work at the time of writing due to some dynamic shapes flying about.

Anyway, we have a completed dynamic embedding function! I’m always a little bit worried I’ve made a mistake when I’m implementing code from papers with no programmatic reference, so I wrote a couple of tests to ensure the embedding function satisfies the properties we mentioned earlier.

Hell yeah


It was nice to dig a little deeper into the idea behind dynamic embeddings. For smaller models, this could definitely be a useful way of shrinking models to sizes that can fit in-memory on edge devices. If you want to check out the code, have a look here.